CFCS University Training Calendar

Leadership Session: Creating a Culture of Leadership (September 6, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Location Managers. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us for an online course on Zoom where we will explore John C. Maxwell’s, the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and the importance of creating leaders within our team to build a sense of ownership, collaboration, and future development.

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Spanish Speaking FSA Peer Group: Asking for the Sale (September 11, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Spanish-speaking Family Service Advisors. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us on Zoom for "Asking for the Sale”, an interactive course designed specifically for Spanish-speaking Family Service Advisors. Are we taking every opportunity to truly help our families complete their plans and protect their families? Let’s talk ...

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LM Table Talks: How can I plan when I don’t even have time to eat lunch today? (September 17, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Location Managers. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join our course, How can I plan when I don’t even have time to eat lunch today? How am I supposed to plan for tomorrow when every day is SO busy? An honest discussion about strategic planning vs firefighting through ...

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FSA 103 AP Phone Skills (September 17 & 18, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This is a 2-Day course intended for all new FSA’s or any FSA wanting a refresher. All times are in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. In this virtual Zoom course, you are introduced to “The CFCS Way” for Advanced Planning Phone Skills. The topics and best practices that you will learn are designed to help you ...

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Leadership Session: Creating a Culture of Leadership (September 20, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Location Managers. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us for an online course on Zoom where we will explore John C. Maxwell’s, the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, and the importance of creating leaders within our team to build a sense of ownership, collaboration, and future development. ...

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FSA Back to Basics 1: Focusing on Phone Skills and Setting Appointments (September 25, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Family Service Advisors. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us online via Zoom. "Back to Basics" is the first class in a high-level refresher series for experienced Family Service Advisers. This session focuses on reinforcing the fundamental skills essential for success, including phone skills, handling objections, and setting ...

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FSA Back to Basics 2: Focusing on Presentation, Tour, and File Review Appointments (September 26, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Family Service Advisors. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us online via Zoom. "Back to Basics" is the second class in a high-level refresher series designed specifically for experienced Family Service Advisers. This session is not just about theory, but about practical skills that you can immediately apply ...

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LM Table Talks: Recruiting and Interviewing (October 1, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Location Managers. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us for an online course on Zoom for Recruiting and Interviewing – Aligning with our Recruiting Team to ensure recruiting is looking for the kind of person we want to interview. Who are we looking for to fill our ...

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FSA Back to Basics 3: Focusing on Asking for Referrals, Asking for the Sale, and Follow-Up (October 3, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Family Service Advisors. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us online via Zoom. "Back to Basics" is the third class in a high-level refresher series for experienced Family Service Advisers. This session focuses on reinforcing essential skills related to asking for referrals, asking for sales, and effective follow-up ...

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Leadership Session: Having Difficult Conversations with Radical Candor (October 4, 2024)

Virtual Zoom Session

This course is for Location Managers. All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST). Please adjust your time accordingly. Join us for an online course on Zoom where we will discuss: Having Difficult Conversations with Radical Candor – We will discuss how and when we have difficult conversations with staff, leadership, our parish partners, and ourselves.

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